61. ročník medzinárodného kempu v Langenlois

Mládež Rakúskeho Červeného kríža aj tento rok bude hostiť už 61. ročník Medzninárodného kempu v Langenlois v lete 2016. Tento históriou overený jedinečný kemp prináša účastníkom možnosť za dva týždne spoznať mladých dobrovoľníkov z 50 rôznych národných spoločností Červeného kríža a Červeného polmesiaca. Mládež Slovenského Červeného kríža má možnosť vyslať dvoch svojich členov na tento kemp.

Because of communication language of the camp, following information about it is given in English. 

If you are interested in it and considering application, or just need more information about the camp don't hesitate to contact us via mail mladez[at]redcross.sk (you can write it in Slovak, of course 🙂 )

The Austrian Youth Red Cross (AYRC) is hosting its 61st International Study and Friendship Camp in the summer of 2016. The International Study and Friendship Camp is an annual event that brings together young people who are involved in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement at local and national levels from around the world. These young volunteers come together to work on certain topics, exchange ideas and opinions, share life-experiences, and discuss cultural perspectives. 

This year’s Camp will be held from 11 July to 25 July 2016 in Langenlois – a beautiful small city in Lower Austria!

We would like to invite a group of two (2) motivated and enthusiastic youth members who are involved in and/or who volunteer for your organization to attend this exciting event. The young people that you choose to represent your National Society should be aged between 16 and 23. Important: Participants must have reached the age of 16 before they start the camp in Austria! 

The theme of this year’s Camp is: Be part of it
Activate personal ambitions towards common goals
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

What Henry Ford stated many years ago, can still be applied to our fast-moving and quickly changing world and the environment we live in. Every single person has their own strengths, ambitions, potentials and abilities. However, combined with the different approaches and combined skills of other people, goals can be reached faster and more effectively. Team building plays a crucial role in voluntary service. Without working together with other people, Henry Dunant would not have been able to found the most important organisation of the world that cares for the vulnerable.

In our society, we sometimes forget that people around us can help us with reaching common goals. Therefore, the 61st international friendshipcamp with the Austrian Youth Red Cross will focus on strengthening personal abilities and finding strategies and methods to actively combine personal ambitions with those of others. For one greater cause: to work effectively in teams and reach the goals of the international Red Cross/Red Crescent and Red Crystal Movement, such as all volunteers that have come before us.

The topics of discussion at the camp will be based to the seven fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – topics that are important and 
meaningful to all young people. The discussions will take place in Information-Groups(moderated by competent group facilitators) and in creative workshops. The camp’s diverse program will be supported by a variety of written materials and multi-media tools. 

Participation at the camp is great opportunity to meet young enthusiastic volunteers from 50 national societies all over the world. Furthermore, there will be historical and cultural excursions during the camp (covered by AYRC – no need for extra pay) to Vienna, Melk and Mauthausen that will provide participants an opportunity to discover culture and history of Austria.

On behalf of Slovak Red Cross Youth we are looking forward for your applications for this camp. For more information please contact us via e-mail written above. We hope we will have an opportunity to send our two best volunteers to represent us and show how great and passionate members of Slovak Red Cross Youth are.

Mládež SČK má príležitosť vyslať dvoch dobrovoľníkov na medzinárodný kemp v rakúskom meste Langenlois.

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